Anniversary Cube
The Anniversary Cube is $1299 for the base model. For those that want to support HBI as well as further make their particular Cube unique we offer the Places of Power Package. While every core has been imbued by Eric generally, those who opt for a little more can ask for one of the ONLY 20 cores that have accompanied Eric on his adventure to over 10 Places of Power. In each, he is meditating and imbueing these cores with the unique and powerful energies. Production on all Cubes begins after the initial $500 dollar deposit.

Your Cube is expected to be finished within 45 to 90 days. We will contact you next day to confirm shipping, it will then be shipped to you the following day with express delivery. Shipping cost is on us.
Additional Imbuement is available to order. You may call us at 800-935-4007 to inquire about additional Imbuement time. Payment plans are available for all enhancements. 

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Product Information
Payment Plan Options
Base Model
from $50 /month
  • 1 Anniversary Cube
  • General Imbuement
  • Celebrate HBI's 20th with Style!
  • $500 down, payment plans for 10 or 16 months!
  • Further imbuement available upon request! 
Places of Power Package
from $125 /month
  • 1 Anniversary Cube with Upgraded Core
  • Core that has been with Eric as he unlocks 10+ Places of Power
  • Support HBI's Mission as it enters it's 20th year!
  • Further imbuement availalbe upon request
  • The Blue Herald participants can request for their delivery to be at the event
  • $500 down, payment plans for 10 or 16 months!